“Tuccoli Technology Boats” are capable of tackling the sea even when it becomes rougher and begins to swell, because you have to decide when to go out and not the weather. You have to be able to return to port even if the sea is not like a postcard and the white crests of the breakers chase each other on the surface of the water.

We at Tuccoli Marine started building boats 70 years ago because we wanted boaters to be able to find what they wanted. That the most expert sailors could have a boat that lives up to their qualities and that beginners could count on a vehicle that with its reliability forgives mistakes of inexperience: after all, no one is born learned.

T250VM Evoluzione

The ultimate fisherman. The fishing tool par excellence wanted by Marco Volpi, the multiple world champion of boat fishing who combined his technical expertise with the quality of Tuccoli Technology Boats.

T440 SF Elba 

The high freeboard at the bow, together with the large sections of the front portion, keep the boat dry, even when the wind starts to swell the waves. In addition, they add living space inside and out. The high bulwarks offer protection even to the youngest sailors.

This makes the T440 Elba a perfect cruiser for the whole family.

T370 SF Sparviero

An unmistakable and timeless line to experience the sea as you wish. The reversed pony is the stylistic feature of the true fisherman, a shape coined overseas to respond to specific functions: providing a boat with a high bow, which protects from the sea during navigation, keeps the deck dry and gives more volume to the bow cabins to let you move with the same comfort as at home.

T280 Fuoribordo

Extreme fishing tool or fisherman to accommodate the whole family. However you want to interpret it, the T280 Outboard is a boat designed for you who want to enjoy your passion without compromise.

The hull works in harmony with the pair of inboard engines to give you the best possible balance of the water lines by concentrating the weights and making your navigation more pleasant and efficient, reaching a maximum speed of 36 knots.

Compatto fuori, con i suoi 7,77 metri di lunghezza e i 2,54 di larghezza, ma grande dentro, con un’area calpestabile del pozzetto di 4,30 metri quadrati: per muoversi in più pescatori senza intralciarsi.

Boats designed and built to meet the needs of the pleasure boater. Developed by and with those who actually use boats.